Yay, for my friends! (and other misc. stuff)

Happy Friday, dear readers! Can you believe that the first week of May is coming to a close? I can’t. Our wonderful intern from University of Alberta is finishing her final day today and I just refuse to believe that three weeks have already flown by. But one nice thing about time going quickly is that it is Friday and that means we have the weekend! I have just one announcement and a couple of articles to share with you today. I am mulling over a couple of longer library/archives posts, but unfortunately most of my writing juices are going towards two articles at the moment. But let’s move on, shall we?

First, I have to share this wonderful post from my friend, Anna, about her and Hanna’s decision to get married! 😀 I’m so thrilled and excited and happy for them that I just had to share on this blog, even though I try to keep this as a professional blog. But how could I not share this news? Hanna and Anna are two of my favorite people in the world, we all graduated from Simmons, they are amazing fellow librarians/archivists, and are Doctor Who fans. Really, I couldn’t be more tickled pink. Congratulations!

On not nearly as fun news (but highly useful) I wanted to share two articles from Lifehacker. First, how to identify and avoid the signs of burnout. I know people who are suffering from burnout and I’m sure you do, too. Share this with your friends, family, and patrons to help everyone in these stressful times.

Also from Lifehacker, Do I really need to be that worried about security when I’m using public wifi? This is fantastic. I’m using this for my class on information literacy because public wifi is something a lot of us use, but probably not in a secure fashion.

Finally, let’s have a pretty photograph to send us on our way to a relaxing weekend, shall we?

Photograph from hobbithouses

Photograph from hobbithouses

Have a wonderful, relaxing weekend. I’ll be back soon with more news and notes. Allons-y!

A few resources to peruse during your weekend

Happy Friday, dear readers! I just have a few resources to share with you that shouldn’t overwhelm your weekend because I think everyone deserves a relaxing weekend. I have a lot of topics that I want to talk about, especially related to jobs and hiring in library and archives organizations, but need a few more weeks to really wrap my head around what I want to say. So, until then, here are the resources and some lovely photos to get you into the weekend mood.

First, don’t you just feel like it should be time to travel? I can’t wait for summer vacation. I had a small taste of vacation last weekend when I went to Half Moon Bay. It was lovely, as you can see from the photos below. Thus, I had to share the 2012 HotelChatter Hotel WiFi Report. Super-helpful for deciding which hotel to stay at given the wifi situation. Yay for free wifi in many hotels!

Colorful Pots

Colorful Pots

Beach along Coastside Trail, Half Moon Bay

Beach along Coastside Trail, Half Moon Bay

After relaxing for a weekend, I always feel like I should take on something new. So while this Lifehacker article, I learned to speak four languages in a few years: here’s how makes me tired just reading it, it also inspires me to start learning another language.

Also from Lifehacker is this great post, Email is not broken, we are. This is great to read and share with your colleagues to try to tame the email beast. I love the advice to set up a social contract about email with your colleagues. I started doing this with my students and it has worked fantastically well. They know how long it will take me to respond to their emails so they don’t stress if they haven’t heard from me immediately and know when to recontact me if the school’s spam filters have eaten their message. If you have any tips on handling email, please let me know in comments.

Finally, if you just can’t face doing one more thing and everything seems like tedium. Henri the cat understands (thanks to my colleague, Liz, for sharing this wonderful video):

I hope you have a wonderfully relaxing and inspiring weekend. Allons-y!

Need for Reflective Space

Happy Friday, dear readers! I hope you’ve had a lovely week and have a relaxing weekend planned. I’m looking forward to having a relaxed, quiet weekend. I’ve been incredibly busy the last few months (who isn’t?) and I wanted to take this time to talk about why I’m looking forward to stepping back in another few months to reflect and figure out what is next. So let’s have a moment to reflect together on the need for reflective space in our heads and lives.

I love this photograph:

"Pixies backstreet" by sofiatown via Beautiful Portals Tumblr

"Pixies backstreet" by sofiatown via Beautiful Portals Tumblr

This photograph, to me, is beautiful and also invites the viewer to image what is just down the passageway. It also reminds me of peaceful, quiet moments that give me room to breathe and think and be.

So what does this have to do with libraries and archives? Well, I just sat through another webinar on innovation and change, which was interesting, but had the focus on collaboration and spaces with lots of people and things going on to help with thinking of new innovations for libraries. All of which, I hasten to add, is good and important, but not enough for innovation either in the libraries or within ourselves. We need time alone, time to think, and time to reflect (and meditate) if we are to have those sparks of creativity and find the path forward.

I’m reminded of this post by Gizmodo Why you never hear about world altering inventions created by committee. I’m hoping to read the book the post is based on, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking, next week when I get it through LINK+ at my library.

If we don’t have space to reflect, by ourselves, we can spend a lot of time spinning our proverbial wheels and not making deeper connections and figuring out the roots of problems, innovations, or ideas that can help us grow and change. So I’m challenging myself to take more time to reflect, to build in the space to meditate so that I can actually see what needs to be done next, instead of only putting out fires when they happen, whether at work or in my life outside of work. Remember, as other articles and research have shown us, if you’re working over 40 hours a week, you’re probably not working at your peak. I have to remind myself of this daily and I’ll let you know what I find out in the coming months.

If you want one thing to read (and like to meditate on typography) over the weekend, check out Lifehacker’s A Non-Designer’s Guide to Typefaces and Layout. I’m biased, I know, but I think learning about design and working with layout a way to actively reflect and meditate.

I’ll be back soon with more on libraries, archives, and tools for you to use in your work and in your life. Allons-y!

Friday Fun: Digital Data

Happy Friday, dear readers! I hope you’ve had a lovely week. I’m excited it’s almost the weekend as it has been a very busy week on campus (final exams week). Today I just want to share some information that has come up in the past week or so about digital archives, preservation, and data. Lots of good stuff to think about over the weekend.

But first, in case you are tempted to work over the weekend, check out Lifehacker’s article on How Many Hours Do You Work Per Week? (Hint: If it’s over 40, you may have a problem). This is a great reminder to not work crazy-long hours and to also use the hours you do work effectively so you still accomplish what you need to during your workweek. Let’s all raise a cup of tea (or coffee) to not being slaves to work!

Share this great infographic with your colleagues, friends, and family and stop the email insanity! Should I send this E-mail? (infographic). Less email= less time spent on email = less digital stuff to worry about = less to curate and preserve in the future = everyone is happier!

This is a great article, NSW Government to open source digital archives software. I’m so excited to see what open source software is created by the government as the programmers and records managers continue to work on managing the digital archives in New South Wales.

If you are into digital data curation and use or just curious about the world of digital data, check out the new blog from the California Digital Library, Data Pub. I think this will turn into a really useful resource for people working in the field and a great resource to help those who are new to data curation, preserving and accessing data sets online, etc. It would be a great resource to share with researchers you know who want to access open data sets and/or need to comply with new grant regulations about preserving and making available their data sets.

On the fun side of talking about digital stuff and computers, check out this great Kickstarter for IT Barrier Tape from the creators of “Not Invented Here” comic strip. I’m definitely backing this because I want a few rolls of the tape because they will make great gifts for some computer engineers I know. 🙂

Finally, check out this lovely photograph. Doesn’t it just make you want to go on vacation? I think it is a wonderful image to get us into a relaxed state for he weekend.

Photo from Inspirationlane via Beautiful Portals Tumblr

Photo from Inspirationlane via Beautiful Portals Tumblr

Have a wonderful rest of your day, a lovely weekend, and I’ll be back next week with more library and archives talk. Allons-y!

Friday Priorities

Happy Friday, dear readers. I hope your week has gone well and you have a lovely weekend planned. Here in the Bay Area, we are looking forward to a weekend of rain and perhaps even thunderstorms. I’m looking forward to it because we definitely need the rain. It has been a busy week here (but really, what week doesn’t seem busy?) with candidates interviewing and our wonderful archives assistant leaving for another opportunity. So I just have a few things to share about how to prioritize, along with some tips and goodies as always.

I really like this post from Lifehacker on instead of saying I don’t have time, say it’s not a priority. It’s a nice, simple way of prioritizing what you do in your life. I know I have to stop and reflect often to make sure I’m both 1. not doing busy work just because and 2. am making time for those things that are important in my life. It’s like my momma always says, “You always have time for the stuff in your life that is important to you.”

Also, click through to the original article that Lifehacker is riffing on to get some more tips and thoughtful advice. And, I have to say, I’m definitely in the camp of people who work intensely instead of longer hours (yay for single tasking!) and yes, I definitely need 8 hours of sleep a night (and that is a huge priority for me).

If saving time is a priority for you (and really, who doesn’t like to save time), check out how to quickly read a terms of service. Not only will you be able to save time, you’ll also be more informed about all those services you sign up for and what you’re actually agreeing to.

I love design and I appreciate those who take the time to make sure that products, websites, and services are not only functional, but also beautiful and a joy to use. Thus I quite like Lifehacker’s top 10 pro tips and tools for budding web developers and designers. Check it out and share it with those people in your life who are getting into web design and development.

I leave you with this absolutely lovely image found through the wonderful Beautiful Portals Tumblr:

"A Touch of Rose" by Emerald Depths

"A Touch of Rose" by Emerald Depths

Have a wonderful weekend full of relaxing and doing things which are priorities for you. I’ll be back again next week. Allons-y!

Friday Round-up: Traveling, Jobs, Typography, and Baking

Happy Friday, dear readers! Can you believe another week has come and gone? I don’t know where the time goes. Anyway, let’s get down to business. I have some interesting, helpful, and fun links to share today before we head off into what appears to be a rainy weekend here in the Bay Area. (I hope soon to return to longer posts about the nature of archives and libraries, but that will happen after I’m finished with the few massive projects–more on those later, too.)

Anyone else want to take a vacation? I’m so ready for a vacation, especially since it will be summer soon. If you are like me and are a bit of a geek, you’ll want to check out the geek-friendly travel checklist before your next trip. Yay for travel checklists!

Another thing that has been on my mind recently is hiring librarians, probably due to the fact that my library is currently in the interviewing process. If you are hiring or looking for jobs, I suggest you check out Hiring Librarians blog, which reports on survey results from hiring managers on what to do and not do when applying and interviewing for jobs. Very interesting read and if you are a hiring manager you can complete the survey to share your knowledge and experience with others.

Also, on a hiring/job hunting note, check out Lifehacker’s hidden meaning behind phrases in job ads. Good read and very true.

Do you stare at your computer screen a lot every day? Me, too! So check out and make use of some tips on how to make reading on your computer a better experience from Lifehacker.

Now on to something near to my heart: typography. I love the I Love Typography blog and the latest post is fantastic: Letters & Stone: Fergus Wessel. The photos of the carved stone alone are worth the click through to the blog. I love reading interviews from masters at their craft and seeing beautiful designs.

In other exciting news, Joy the Baker is still on her book tour. I met her last weekend in San Francisco and she is just as lovely in person as she is on her blog. It was super-packed in Omnivore Books, but a lot of fun and now I have a signed cookbook! Check out one of her yummy recipes for biscuit cinnamon rolls. I think these may have to be made for breakfast tomorrow morning.

Have a lovely rest of your day and fantastic weekend full of relaxing, reading, good food, and good company. I’ll be back next week with more. Allons-y!

Friday Fun

Happy Friday, dear readers! If you are tired of posts from the Personal Digital Archiving 2012 Conference, this post is for you. Just some fun stuff to get you ready for the weekend.

My one link to share at the end of this workweek is from Lifehacker, The best time to purchase cruise tickets, train fare, and all other travel for the best deals. I’m ready to start planning some vacation time. How about you?

This image is from Beautiful Portals and I think is just a lovely way to go into the weekend.

Photo from  tayloralisonswiftlyrics via Beautiful Portals

Photo from tayloralisonswiftlyrics via Beautiful Portals

Finally, check out this adorable video of fish playing laser light if you need a break from work (from Gizmodo).

Have a wonderful rest of your day and a lovely weekend filled with naps, good reads, great food, and amazing company. I’ll be back next week with some more developed thoughts around personal digital archiving and what it means for our work as archivists and librarians. Allons-y!

PDA 2012: Academics Session

Very excited for this session on personal digital archiving in the academic setting. Let’s get into it!

Note: These summaries are not in order of presentation because they didn’t follow the schedule and I had already made up the outline of my post.

Voices from the field Smiljana Antonijevic (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences)
This research comes from two projects: Alfalab (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences) and Humanities Information Practices (Oxford Internet Institute). Did site visits, observations, interviews, log-file analysis. 95 informants for this study of digital humanities.

Found out about main challenges through this study. Scholars showed a “broad spectrum of technology used and awareness.” Very important to keep in mind that there is a wide-range of skills, practices, and interests among scholars when we are creating tools for them to use. Found that some scholars print out everything and make handwritten notes before writing up their findings. Others do all their work digitally and use databases, visualization tools, and annotation tools before disseminating findings online via blogs, online journals, etc.. Plus, everything in between these two extremes.

Preservation issues stand out in this study’s findings. Very important challenge. Scholars said that their research happens in bursts so not as organized as they (or we) would like. [I can totally relate to that.] Very random preservation practices among the scholars. Limited awareness of cloud storage, etc.. Scholars worried about sustainability of digital resources and archives. Need sustainable infrastructures.

Librarians have their own struggles. What to preserve? How to preserve stuff? What needs to be reformatted? [Same struggles that archivists face.] More advanced users have more advanced problems (probably because they are using more and more varied tools).

One informant: “There is a huge problem of data preservation and archiving.”

Another challenge: Preservation+ Value-added preservation to allow scholars to use their data in new ways after preservation. [I think this is a very interesting point and it is from the user so that is always cool. I wonder how we would do this. Maybe via a similar set-up to DataONE?]

Difficult to move forward because there is such a divergence among scholars about what they want from Digital Humanities tools. Plus, so much variance among use and interest in technological tools.

What’s being lost, what’s being saved: practices in digital scholarship and personal archiving John Butler (University of Minnesota)
Talking about research on data practices of scholars. Called them “primitives” then looked at activities and behaviors. [Butler says this study has been published] 73% of respondents said they need assistance for organizing and storing their materials. 37% said they have unique research collections. Other findings: diversity of resources/media used, methods learned in “traditional” contexts are not easily transferred to digital context, and researchers have interest in sharing data, but only in their own ways.

Other finding: each scholar has own digital processes (not surprising). Advocates for standardized practice. [Wouldn’t every archivist love standardized practice and records? It would make our work a lot easier, but the records much less interesting (in my opinion as I like variety).] Also advocating lifecycle thinking for records [just like archivists have been talking about for years]. You can check out their website on managing your data.

Note: I didn’t catch when this research was completed or I would have included a citation to the research publication or linked to the article if it was in an open access journal.

Tale of Two Researchers by Laura Gurak (University of Minnesota)
Gurak is trained in qualitative research methodologies and storing of data. Talking about how it is easier to be organized in analog
world. Digital media makes storing data more complicated and often in more places than when there was paper recordkeeping. In digital space, different type of researcher. Less motivation to be organized with personal research because no IRB, no concern about reproducibility, etc..

Talking about her Lotus MarketPlace case study (also published as a book). She looked into the protest online in 1990 because of privacy issues (her dissertation research). Looked at emails and Usenet news posting to analyze. Data now lives on a local hard drive.

Other case study: personal research on the ship that brought over her grandmother from Copenhagen. Gurak’s become her family’s archivist and tech support person. Able to find out where the ship was docked in Copenhagen through the internet. But lost trail of her research, got so excited that didn’t save the way she found information. Terrible track of her resources because not treating it as a research project. The information she has lives everywhere.

Faculty Member as Micro-Librarian: Critical literacies for personal scholarly archiving Ellysa Stern Cahoy by Penn State University Libraries
“Library of today resides on the scholars’ desktops.” Looking at critical literacies for personal archiving, based on the information literacy (IL) standards from ACRL. [Stern Cahoy is on a taskforce at ACRL reviewing the IL standards. Oh, please make them more conversant with the IL research coming out of Australia.]

Curation, archiving, and preservation are not part of the IL standards right now. Stern Cahoy wants to include these standards in the next iteration of the IL standards. [I think this would be very cool and useful, especially as I teach information literacy to first-year college students] Also would be more aligned with SCONUL’s Seven Pillars of Information Literacy.

I, Digital: Personal collections as an archival endeavor by Cal Lee of UNC Chapel Hill
Focusing on the archival profession and trends. Many archival institutions have collecting missions that include personal papers in addition to institutional records.

Five trends:
1. Work within collecting institutions have become very professionalized (specialization, profession education and training, conferences, professional associations, specialized language, etc.)
2. Individuals have gained more ability to create and store materials
3. Parts of personal collections are distributed across a diversity of systems, environments, and platforms
4. Researchers have placed more emphasis on importance of personal stories (yay, social history!)
5. Previously distinct communities have realized they have similar issues with dealing with digital materials.

Long-standing division of the manuscripts versus public records traditions in the archival profession. “Evidential turn” of the 1990s in archival literature, inspired by electronic records. This divide has flavored the way the profession has dealt with personal digital archives. Not a lot of focus on these personal records until recently.

Along with other related streams of activity, like electronic recordkeeping, personal information management, and tools for user-generated collections, now influence how we deal with personal digital records. Many recent projects and activities focused on personal digital archives (much funded by the Mellon Foundation).

Just published the I, Digital about work on personal digital archives. (Check it out for more information about this topic).

Huge potential for further collaboration among tech people, curators, archivists, and special collections librarians. Can develop this arena in a way that will get attention to help out the archival profession expand the solutions to personal digital archives.

Take Home Messages
We need to work together to bring more attention to the issues and promises of personal digital archives. I think this is especially important for the archives profession. We must also keep better track of our digital research projects, even if they start out as personal projects, because the personal can morph into something larger and it is important to document. We need to remember that there is a great variance among scholars in the adoption, interest, and use of digital resources when we are creating new tools (repurposing tools) for digital humanities (and really in the creation of any digital tools). Incorporating personal archiving into the information literacy standards would be amazing and very helpful for making students more aware of and able to organize, preserve, and ultimately be able to use their own archives. Academic session for the win! Great talks all.

PDA 2012: Day 2 Keynote by Cathy Marshall

Happy Friday! It is Day 2 of Personal Digital Archiving 2012 and first up we have the keynote by Cathy Marshall of Microsoft Research: “Whose Content is it Anyway? User Perspectives on Archiving Social Media.” Let’s see what she has to say on user’s perspective on archiving social media.

Discussing the issues around reuse of images on the Internet. Lots of reuse of materials on the Internet, especially images. Many people don’t even attribute when they use images, even if they can legally use them under Creative Commons (which is bad). Social norms have developed around reuse because people ignore laws, market share, and the architecture around reusing (using Lessig’s “jelly bean” diagram).

So we are left with social norms. Did a study of user behaviors around using and reusing images.

“Everyone” believes that you can keep anything you find online. “It’s yours.” [No wonder I have a hard time explaining fair use and copyright to my students.]

People seem to be able to justify any use and reuse of images. Many feel that everything on the web is in the public domain and don’t have any conception of copyright. People feel differently about reusing different types of media. People are very liberal in their reuse of images. People worried more about reusing other people’s reviews versus other people’s photographs.

People worry about manipulating images and reviews in ways that are mean-spirited. Feelings are important to take into account when reusing materials.

Factors that influence social norms: personal experience, media type, perception of misuse or harm done, and mis/understanding of copyright.

Making a case for institutional archives [umm….institutional archives are quite old. Let’s see what she means by this…] She seems to be talking about personal digital archiving instead of institutional archives. Within families, the person interested in archiving and the person interested in technology are often not the same person. People are saving information in many places which makes personal data management more difficult. There is an “overwhelming power of benign neglect” because digital clutter is invisible because “creation is more rewarding than stewardship.”

Therefore, it’s difficult to get people to manage their data. Plus, it is difficult for institutional archives to manage all these digital traces. People aren’t worried about storing social media in institutional archives, they worry about access and reuse. There is a difference between being public in the digital social media landscapes and being archived in public institutional archives.

Looking at people’s perceptions of institutional archives, using the Library of Congress as the prototypical archive. People are okay with immediate access for researchers (researcher was not defined), but people were not okay with immediate public access to social media in institutional archives. People were okay with the general public having access in 50 years.

Implications: people “can’t make a go of it on their own.” Therefore, we need institutional archives to help with preserving social media.

Take Home Message
People are confused (or don’t care) about the correct use and reuse of images they find on the Internet. We need education and also archivists to actually preserve social media. Not really brand new thoughts or findings, but always good to emphasize these issues.

PDA 2012: Systems, Tools, Platforms

Second afternoon talk: Systems/Tools/Platforms

Putting Personal Archives to Work by Sudheendra Hangal of Stanford University
Personal motivation for creating tools: reading his grandfather’s wonderful diaries which covered 50 years of his life. Thinking about what his grandchildren would read, he thought of emails. Then began creating MUSE in order to browse long-term email archive in a convenient and fun way. The original goal was for personal archival use, even though it is now being used for institutional archives at Stanford.

MUSE runs on user’s own machine, browser-based interface, can get emails from multiple online accounts, and also does data cleaning. Creates cues for users and then users can decide what is interesting and useful for the users. People use MUSE to reminisce about the past, but also to “add color to flashbulb memories,” summarize work progress, identify personal emails in work email accounts, retrieve all attachments, and feel “a renewed sense of confidence.” [Always interesting to see how people find new ways to use tools]

Looking at inline applications for digital archives since many people in the tech world don’t think it’s interesting to look at the past. Working at slanting your search: a search engine per user, populated with domains in their social chatter and search results restricted to these domains. Ran user studies for different search engines. The best results over all were for the email search engine that were personalized for the user from the curated domains. Findings: eliminates spam, good search results. Check out demo of Slanted search here.

Application for consuming textual information to create experience-infused browser. Using your digital archive to customize your browser. Privacy-preserving personalization because all personal data on client (no third party), very rich profile (but unstructured), potentially comprehensive, every site does not have to implement personalization, and no setup needed. People like to discover names of people the know or have discussed, organizations with which they are affiliated, and more. [Hopefully we’ll be able to use this soon]

Personal archives contain detailed experiences and we can mine the archives for the owner’s benefit. Lots of questions and work to still do, but very exciting.

Data Triage and Data Analytics for Personal Digital Collections Kam Woods of UNC Chapel Hill
Working on the BitCurator Project. The project “is an effort to build, test, and analyze systems and software for incorporating digital forensics methods into the workflows of a variety of collecting institutions.”

Why? Because there are many issues in digital preservation and archiving. Issues around the acquisition of personal digital collections in collecting institutions: protecting information, processing collections, and generating metadata–takes time and staff. These issues are long-standing. Need reliable, scalable, and interoperable standards, tools, and techniques.

Building a model for a “forensically enhanced workflow.” Start with a donor device, extract fixed media, acquire raw disk image and forensic packaging, then go to staging area to extract context-senstive identification of private information, acquisition metadata, filesystem metadata, prepare redacted image, permissions overlay, and crosswalks to archival metadata, package for ingest, then to the archives. [Looks complicated]

Looks like it will be useful for collecting institutions once the project is finished and is made user-friendly.

Cowbird by Jonathan Harris
Went from keeping sketchbooks to working on the web and creating websites. You can see his work here. Interesting websites and art that document the world and experiences. You can see Cowbird here. Looking at compression of communication (speeding up), disposability, curating information, and self-promotion. Wants to see revival of deepening, timelessness, creation, and self-reflection in life an online.

Cowbird’s goals are to create place for expression, a new way of journalism, and build a library of life experience. “Deeper form of self-expression.”

Take Home Messages
So many uses for MUSE. Check it out. There are many ways to use personal digital archives to improve searching today, very interesting way to connect archives to daily life. Many ways to communicate and share online. It is what we make of it.