Happy New Year (yes, I know I'm a few days late, please move along…)

Hello, dear readers. I can hardly believe we are 8 days or so into the new year already. It is the first week of classes here at my campus so things are hopping. I just wanted to share a few fun links today and will hopefully be back later in the week with a longer post on some of the things that I’ve been thinking about over the holiday break.

First, I wanted to share this post via Stephen’s Lighthouse and BuzzFeed: 26 moments that restored our faith in humanity. Read it when you are feeling a bit down and want to feel a bit better about the world.

And, as always, I just love xkcd comics and had to share, especially after hearing on the radio how many new year’s resolutions have already been broken:

"resolution" by xkcd

“resolution” by xkcd

Also, Lifehacker has a nice roundup of their Most Popular Long Form Features of 2012. Star it and read when you have a chance.

From Gizmodo, check out a video of a person putting out a boat fire with “sheer awesomeness” (It made both me and my partner laugh when we watched it. It really is quite awesome).

I hope that your year is going well and that you have a lovely day. (Wish me luck for my first day of class today.) And I’ll be back soon with more on libraries, archives, and various other things. Allons-y!