Some ideas and fun for Friday as I'm off to Portland for WACES!

Happy Friday, dear readers! I hope your week has gone well and you have a relaxing weekend before you. It is hard to believe we are halfway through November already. The time does seem to start going more quickly at this time of year. I’m off this weekend to speak with one of my colleagues at WACES (Western Association for Counselor Education & Supervision) this weekend. I’m really excited to be speaking at a conference that isn’t in my field and can’t wait to see how we are received. I’ll hopefully post some thoughts and photos next week. But first let’s get to the ideas and fun for the weekend.

First, check out the great post from Lifehacker on Idea Rot: Why Ideas Have a Two Week Shelf Life. Short article and it will get you motivated (hopefully) to take some of your ideas and make them real. I’m a huge believer in setting aside time away from distractions for getting things done. I had to carve out lots of time when I was writing my dissertation and I still have to carve out time away from people and the Internet in order to get articles written or any of my design projects finished. It is so important to give ourselves the permission to really work and ignore other things, like email, in order to accomplish more in a day then eight hours on email.

I’m also thrilled that ArchiveGrid will become free in January 2013 (via INFOdocket)! Very exciting news and definitely great to share with anyone you know who does archival research.

Finally, because it is Friday, I wanted to share this video that is sure to make you smile (HT to Collin for sharing this with me).

Have a wonderful weekend full of relaxation, fun, and maybe getting into that project you’ve been dreaming about for months! I’m off to rainy Portland, but will be back next week with more. Allons-y!