Job Tips, Sleeping, and Randomness on a Friday

Happy Friday, dear readers! Today is a big day at my campus as we have the President’s Investiture today. So this blog post will be brief, but still filled with some interesting and helpful tips and links. So let’s get to it so I can then go off and figure out how to correctly put on my robes.

If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, you know that I love sharing great articles from Lifehacker, especially about productivity, interviewing, and basic job tips. Naturally then, I wanted to share this article on how to avoid the inevitable feeling that your job sucks. Great read, good advice, and definitely worth sharing with others.

Also, I really appreciated this article on how to be assertive without losing yourself. I think it is especially good for introverts since it explains that you don’t need to be pushy or cold in order to be assertive and that being assertive doesn’t mean being aggressive or being a bully. That difference is really important to remember. My favorite people to work with are assertive, but still empathetic and respectful and are definitely the people I consider leaders.

Also, if you want to check out another project aimed at using cloud storage for digital preservation, check out ArchiveBox. This is an interesting project that I hope I’ll have time to explore more this weekend.

Because it is almost the weekend and a lot of people (including myself) look forward to the weekend to do a bit of sleeping in, I thought I’d share this article on how to find your ideal bedtime with the morningness/eveningness questionnaire. It’s a quick questionnaire to fill out and helpful to find a good bedtime. I am, very unsurprisingly to my friends and family, a definite morning person. However, I’m not convinced about only getting 7 hours of sleep a night, as the results are based on, but it did re-confirm my preferred bedtime (although getting up at 5am is completely *not* my preferred morning wake up time).

I want to leave you with this photograph of a beautiful staircase that I would totally recreate in my house, if I had stairs:

Book Staircase on Beautiful Portals Tumblr

Book Staircase on Beautiful Portals Tumblr

Have a wonderful weekend, dear readers. I’ll be back next week with more tips and tools. Allons-y!