A Couple of Thoughts for the Weekend

Like the title says, I only have a few thoughts for you to ponder this weekend. (This is probably due to the fact that my brain is a little overloaded from the conference I just attended and thinking about the start of the quarter.) So, in no particular order, here are some resources for the weekend:

From Times Online here is an article on “10 Books Not to Read Before You Die.” I always like reading these kinds of lists. I think it is fascinating to see what other people read and what they like. I have to say, as full disclosure, that I don’t agree with the list as several of my favorite books made the list.

Speaking of books and recommendations (or non-recommendations), have you checked out GoodReads Think of it as an alternate to LibraryThing. You can add books you’ve read, compare them to your friends, get recommendations from other people–it’s like a giant book club. And it’s fun. I think it is a nice way to keep track of books you want to read and, if you are like me, it keeps you from forgetting books what books you’ve read and what you still need to read!

So, still confused about Web 2.0 stuff? Want some more information? Check out Becoming 2.0 wiki from the Summer Institute by MORENet and the Missouri State Library. Lots of great information on the PowerPoints that have been embedded on the wiki. It was amazing to me how much information I could glean from the slides even without having heard the talk. One word: awesome. I hope to get some workshops like this going just as soon as I know my fall quarter schedule.

Last, but certainly not least, check out 2008 Metaverse Tour. It is a YouTube video of over 40 different virtual worlds online. I was floored that there are that many worlds. Just goes to show that libraries and librarians can’t afford to not look into these social universes and figure out just where we fit in this new world.

Have a great weekend!