Advice and Randomness for Friday

Happy Friday, dear readers! This quarter has been super-busy and I can hardly believe we are already in March. I think someone must be speeding up time. Anyway, I wanted to share with you some of the articles and resources that have recently come across my screen that I think may be useful to you and to those you serve at your libraries.

We’ve been talking about UX (user experience) more at my library, thank goodness, and so I thought this infographic on How to test your landing pages was especially timely. I even like that the infographic is well-designed and easy-to-use. I’m looking forward to some usability testing and UX re-design happening on our library pages hopefully in the near-ish future.

Because I seem to be constantly running up against the clock this quarter, the Lifehacker article on Simple secret to time management: Jedi time tricks was a good reminder on how to prioritize what needs to get done. Plus, who doesn’t want to be more like a Jedi?

As we are nearing graduation time (seriously, it will be here before we know it), I thought this article on advice I wish someone had given me for my first job was timely. It is also a good reminder to those of us who have been working at our organizations for a while to help those who are adjusting to org culture and to also keep on the look for burnout in ourselves.

On to some timely practical tech advice: How can I stop losing and breaking my headphones? This is a great article for everyone to read and hopefully will save you time and frustration in using your headphones.

Also, do take the time to watch this amazing TED Talk by Amy Cuddy on how your body language shapes who you are. I found her talk incredibly insightful and moving, especially at the end. And Dr. Cuddy reminds us to not fake it ’til we make it, but “fake it ’til we become it.”

For your Friday fun, check out this post on how to repurpose some old hardcover books:how-t: hardcover book lamp. Then check out this lovely video talking about Neil Gaiman’s Calendar of Tales project:

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I’ll be back soon with more. Allons-y!