Thank you!

Hi, all. Just a quick post to share a few fun things and say thank you.

Dragon Kite

Photograph of Dragon Kite

First, the above photograph from the Art & Wind Festival held in San Ramon over the weekend. [If you are interested, the above image is actually a mash-up of three photos I took; editing done in Photoshop, naturally.] It was a great festival, lots of wonderful kites, crafts, art, and great Taiko drumming. I hope your weekend was filled with at least that much fun.

On to the main reason for this post, a thank you to the person who nominated my blog for a Salem Library Press Blog Award. I still don’t know who you are, but thank you! The winners were just announced; you can see the list of winners here: Salem Library Press Blog Award Winners. There are a lot of wonderful blogs out there in the bibliosphere. While The Waki Librarian did not win, it did receive a gold star for being “of significant quality that [it] stood above the norm.” You can see a full list of academic library starred blogs here: Academic Library Blogs. I was very happy to get recognized and felt a little like a happy kid in grade school getting a gold star. It is very nice to be recognized so thanks again to whoever nominated this blog and thanks to everyone who reads it.

Finally, until Friday, I leave you with this absolutely wonderful comic from xkcd:
Geeks and Nerds Comic

Back Friday with more library and technology fun.