IL 2008 Day 3 Wrap-up

Okay, like wow! What a great day to end on–lots of fabulous speakers and great information.

Best presentation: Way too hard to pick today, although I have to give props for the great interactivity of the Making Movies presentation by Sean Robinson and Kaye Gregg. I mean, in what other presentation are you actually going to be an actor in the filming of a video? I especially loved the librarian mosh pit scene at the end! Rock on librarians!

Wireless update: I was in the Steinbeck Forum all day today and had zero problems with the wifi. Such a relief when you are blogging live and I am sure all the people tweeting appreciated it too!

Overall: Amazing conference. I loved it! I will definitely be coming back again. Next task is getting my library to implement some of the great tools that were presented here at the conference. I feel so excited about the possibilities out there. Oh, and massive props to our keynote speaker, danah boyd–great research and energy (even if parts of it went by too quickly for me to capture fully in my notes! )

Meta, Final Take Home Message: Librarians rock; Web 2.0 tools rock; but together we completely rule! Oh, and go try something new–you might have some fun, your patrons might have some fun and you might create a service or resource that is fabulous. Can’t wait for IL2009!

2 thoughts on “IL 2008 Day 3 Wrap-up

  1. Thanks for all of the entries over the last several days – I feel like I attended the conference myself! I’m interested in hearing your ideas about implementing some new programs/tech tools here.

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